
hoot hoot! airdrop your note as an NFT.
Recipient wallets (leave empty to mint yourself)
Your message
Frequently Asked Questions
What is hoots.xyz, what can I do with it?
Hooting @ frens is simple: type up your message and airdrop it to anyone! Your message gets minted as a standard NFT (ERC721) and airdropped or transferred to your recipients wallets. Hoots NFTs can be burned by sending to 0x0 or traded on secondary marketplaces just like any other standard NFT.
What steps did you take to make it safe to use?
The contract () is verified on etherscan and this site has not been obfuscated, all the code for both is plainly readable. The NFTs and metadata are fully on-chain rendered back as JSON and SVG, both are inert - containing nothing other than read-only data. No scripts no cruft. Hoots is beta software and could have bugs so please use at your own risk (& also stay tuned for furture improvements).
Tell me about the art & technology behind this
The art:
This project is a little celebration of the Moonbirds launch and is open to anyone to use. Figure if the moonbirds are going to hoot, they'd do it with fully on-chain monospace text-art notes.
The tech:
This is fully decentralized app ("dapp"), written from scratch with no special javascript frameworks and cruft; there are only two imports - openzeppelin (a leading global secure standard) and web3.js (the ethereum javascript API). When you mint your hoot, you're converting your note into an on-chain image (SVG format). There are zero dependencies to display it; it just works. The front end is compilable into a single html file; it could be hosted in IPFS or downloaded and run locally standalone, or of course accessed here for free too.
How much does it cost?
The mint cost is 0.01 ETH per mint per address. If you're airdropping to 10 addresses, 0.01 * 10 = 0.1 ETH. This cost is as close to free as possible while being an incentive to protect people from spam.
Is there a discord?
No discord, just hoots. If you're part of the parliament, see you in the Moonbirds discord!
Is this project affliliated with Proof or Moonbirds?
Not officially. It's just a little thing built by a moonbird & proofer for the community.